Why should we all be interested in real assets?
I am not a economist or silver/gold smith I am not even rich although I wish I was but what I am is a normal guy who see's the common sense in having real assets. Now what do I mean by real assets for the purpose of this blog I will say they are something that can be held or touched and will not devalue in price when the banks fail. Why do I think this is important, well simply put its because we have become used to the idea that the banking system is there serving us and keeping our money safe. Well as we have seen since 2008 this is clearly not the case.
Invisible Money
We live in a society that uses fiat currency and this is the back bone of our way of life. It gives us the expendable cash to do what we want. It does not matter whether you spend pounds or dollars the basic concept is the same you are spending money that does not exist. Think about that for a second nearly everybody in the west is spending money that does not exist. Now I know you think I am crazy but although you may hold a note or coin in your hand that money is based on a promise to pay system if you look at your british pound not it says in plain English "I Promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of" that note you hold is little more than a I owe you from the Bank of England (BoE). This type of money system allows an unlimited amount of money to be created as long as the going is good and the world economies are expanding and nobody asks for the debt to be paid. In 2008 the banking system took this magic bullet and shot themselves with it resulting in a catastrophic failure to give credit to each other which in effect caused all the woes we have today in the financial sector.
So why do I advocate that we all have to get our act together and get some Real Assets in our possession such as Gold and Silver coins because as previously stated the banking system is in a mess and if you have not noticed the banking fraud has not dissipated but in fact increased, London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) just one example of the colossal arrogance of the banking industry you may also have noticed that no one is going to prison and neither are they likely to. All this is pointing to things continuing to spiral out of control and this means for me and you the people who have our money in the very banks proven to be stealing from our accounts whether through clever fraud or blatant theft the result is the same mine and your money declines while theirs increases.
Now is the time
Now is the time that we take back our wealth and secure it in Real Assets away from the banks and their greed. How do we do this simple we purchase things that will not devalue over the longer term. The most obvious of these would be of course Gold and Silver in every single depression or economic downturn the result has been the same Gold and Silver prices have increased because this is the prefered choice of commerce and has been for as long as man has been interested in trade but at a £1000 pounds an ounce this can be a little steep. I often listen to the GoldMoney podcast and it is well worth a listen to help you in your quest for financial security. But Silver on the other hand is well within our price range and I will say that this in my personal opinion is the best place to hold your savings for a number of reasons
- Silver is still relatively cheap in comparison to Gold
- It will be easier to sell if you need to and can be split to last.
- Silver also has industrial applications which can cause sudden spikes in price.
- Silver has many antibacterial uses
- Silver and Gold can be easily sold at a bullion dealer
Is it all about Gold and Silver
Of course not some will say to you it is all about Gold and Silver but I will say do not put all your eggs in one basket, as long as you research your products you will see that many things in this word do lose value and some can even increase but be aware of how to move these things on if you need to, having a Painting worth £500,000 is a great asset but you have to be able to sell it to unlock its capital. So as I said you can invest your money into anything you want but Research Research Research. Also you can put money into property another great place to hold money but only if you can buy it outright, Taking a mortgage is nothing more than a longterm loan which leaves you at the whim of the banks and in todays market where prices although lower than 2008 levels is still way way higher than in the 80s and 90s and you would need to see your house price increase by a 100k just to earn back what you pay on the mortgage.
I want to get rich
Funnily enough so do I want to get rich but let us be honest here I am no guru and this is my opinion not financial advise you want that your in the wrong place. When I say to you get into Real Assets what I am saying is protect your self when I say hold Gold and Silver coins I am talking long term don't expect to be able to sell at the height of the crash when Gold could be trading at 8-10,000 pounds an ounce because that may not even be possible what I say is hold it until the worst is over I am saying that I advocate protecting your wealth not making millions, if you can great but the reality is it you probably wont. Truth be told once the crash begins you will be priced out of the market in hours as the big players start moving billions of pounds into gold you will see the price rocket by then it will be to late.
If this was possible someone would tell me
Now I know many people will use the argument of if the end is coming someone would tell me, well someone is telling you right now as you read this I am saying I strongly believe the real banking crisis has not begun yet. I know it is hard to believe something being said in a blog that is not being said in the national press, but the real reason we are not being told the truth is the same reason a pilot would not tell his passengers that he has lost all engine power to avoid panic and if you don't think the press is complicit then please take a look at the heads of the banks and the heads of the media industry and you will see a very incestuous relationship. The truth is we will not learn the truth until it is already to late and if you do doubt me I challenge you to look for news outside of the mainstream media and open your eyes to the PrisonPlanet we find ourselves in. Why should we all be interested in real assets simple they belong to you and nobody else. Take care and god bless.
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